Texas, I was convinced, I could deal with. That’s where my
husband, Steve’s, company was headquartered and that’s where the bulk of his weekly
travel came in. Texas is much like Tennessee and not too far and he was
traveling pretty much every week. I had told the Lord repeatedly I’d move to
Texas if He worked it out. I mean, I was being pretty cooperative! But, He
never did.
I remember when this California company first called my
husband about a job. It wasn’t right for
him. Which, was a relief because, surprise, surprise, I wasn’t on board. I had
all of those thoughts and fears running through my head. But, I remember a couple of days later, it was
still on my mind and I was in the car and felt the need to hear a good Word.
So, I turned on the radio to AM 640, the local station for sermons and news.
David Jeremiah was on. I love David Jeremiah so I thought, “perfect”! 2 minutes
into it, that “perfect” turned into, “really, Lord?” as he began to tell about
his decision many years ago to move to California from Ohio, I think it was.
Imagine that. He talked about his long running resistance to it and his
preconceived notions picked up from the media that you can’t raise your kids in
California. To which he added, obviously that’s not true. His wife actually had
to be the one to point out how he was trying to control everything and was dismissing
the leading of the Lord. I think he had been asked by several to make the move
and she finally said something to effect of, “if God Himself came down and told
you to go, you still would come up with an excuse.”
Over the next weeks and months, there was more and more
travel with my husband’s job and the quality of life had sort of dwindled as
the travel increased over the years. I knew he needed the Lord to intercede in
some way, as did the rest of the family. There has always been a possibility of
a move in his line of work. So, I finally got serious and told the Lord, “Fine!
If you want me to move to Texas, I will move to Texas. If you want us to pick
up and move somewhere totally different, we will do it but, I’m tired of limbo.
I want us to be on the path you want us on, wherever that is.” He is patient
but boy is He funny. 2 days later, the California company called again with
another job opportunity.
So, after a long cross country ride, here we all are, by the
ocean... in California. Who’d of thunk it?
God. That’s who. As my friend Kim
reminded me today with the passage she used in her blog today from Psalm
139:16-18 (www.celebratinginchstones.blogspot.com), that God has thought out all
of our days. That includes her children’s….and mine. We may be caught off guard
by something but nothing takes Him by surprise. And His thoughts toward them
are way better than anything I could’ve dreamed up for them. My job is not to plan out every detail of
their life and make sure it’s pain free. My job is to teach them to love the
Lord their God with all of their heart, with all of their soul, and with all of
their might. They need to realize that, like the ocean, life is vast and
unpredictable. So is their God. The difference is, the “oceans roar and tumble
at His name”. As I heard Beth Moore recently put it, (paraphrasing), “ We can
refuse change, refuse to go with God, close ourselves off in our living room
and choke to death on a ham sandwich. The safest place you will ever be is in
the will of God. If we aren’t careful, we can protect ourselves right out of
our calling.” That’s not what I want for them. But, if I
want them in His will, they have to love & follow Him. So, it makes sense
that I would first have to practice what I preach before them.
I must admit, I love California. Now, I can’t lie and say
that every day is rosy. When you are as rooted and involved as we were with family,
friends, church family, etc. and are transplanted to a place with no familiar
face in sight, you are going to have some bad days. All in all though, the kids have done
wonderfully. The middle school boys that I was worried about have actually done
better than Jude and I. But, my real peace comes from knowing without a doubt
that this is where He wants us. I don’t know for what purpose. I don’t know if
it is for Steve, myself, Peter, Preston, or Jude or something beyond us. I’m
learning to not even speculate when it comes to God and His plans. I may not
even see it in my lifetime. I just finished a bible study by Beth Moore, Law of
Love, out of Deuteronomy. So, the fact that Moses never got to set foot into
the promise land is on my mind. But, he got to see it. He didn’t know exactly
how they were going to possess it or when. But, he knew that they would because
His God said so and His God had been faithful to him. Before climbing that
mountain, knowing he was going to die, he blessed his people and told them
their God loved them (Deu 33).
I want to be a blessing to my family and an encourager. Hard
to do that when you’re stressed and crabby, engulfed in negative thoughts. So,
I’m learning to enjoy each day as it is given and enjoy the peace of being in
the will of God for today without wondering what tomorrow may bring. Yesterday,
I told Peter that he would have to study for his science test coming up on
Friday. Peter says, “you are assuming we are going to live until Friday. We
were blessed with another day of life today but….” He’s a funny fella. He was
kidding but only partially. Just an example of how our life here together gives
me new meaning to the phrase, “too blessed to be stressed!” We are all together
every night. Plus, I can see some magnificent scenery from the park and the grocery store, with mountain and ocean views.
don’t think that we are picture perfect and our life is perfect….we are far
from it. But, our life together is still far better than anything I could’ve
ever thought of or planned myself. So, the next time you are tempted to say, “wait,
Lord…that’s not what I had planned!”, can I suggest maybe taking a deep breath
and consider saying instead................“Oh, plan sman.”
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